Friday, January 17, 2014

Floral doodles

I was so inspired the other day in my art class! I am really enjoying doing blind sketches. I find that sometimes I am better at accurately understanding and translating the dimensions of an object onto paper when I look more at the object and less at the paper.

Maybe my practice using a Bamboo wacom tablet has helped me know what will show up on the paper even though I am not looking at my hand drawing it. Does that make sense? It has something to do with hand-eye coordination and trusting my hand's ability to translate what I am seeing, or what I want to see. So thank goodness for my little tablet!

I sketched these up this morning after my friend left, and before my first class.

You can buy the prints/phone cases on my Society6 site here!


Baby's Breath

Leaves (ferns?)

Pizza! (Somewhat random. Not floral. Except for the basil... sort of)


A mason jar!!

A mason jar VASE. This one I really really like. 

French Macarons (Better than the pizza?)

I hope you have a wonderful weekend, and do something to celebrate Martin Luther King Jr. day on Monday. Too often people only see this day as a break from work or classes. Let's be appreciative and go out our way to show kindness to someone on Monday! 

Tuesday, January 14, 2014

New stuff! All the time!

Besides the fact that I have been diagnosed with corneal ulcers, things are going really well!

I am now enrolled in an art class, which I love. Soon I will hopefully post the different things I have been doing for that class, which will be so outside of my comfort zone, but also so necessary and so awesome.

Expect new and awesome stuff from me, and hopefully a lot more hand-drawn illustration since I am back at the dorm now and away from the awesome drawing tablet.

For now, here's this!

And I made a new website. Now working together, I have and which will both act as creative portfolios for me. Don't ask why I have two, I went a little domain name crazy.


Friday, January 3, 2014


Inspired by the Draw this Dress project that Verabee always does. She is fantastic!

Prom inspired dress

Inspired by a 1950's edition of Vogue. The original is STUNNING

Something I would wear every day. 

School starts again soon, but I don't know whether that means you should be expecting more or less personal art out of me. We'll see!

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Super Heroes

Because I wish I could save the world, but I would rather draw instead.

Enjoy! Give me some requests if you have a favorite super hero!

Monday, December 23, 2013

Digital art update -- Happy Holidays!

I haven't posted in so long! I've been way too busy with trying to use tumblr, and also holiday and new toys!

One of two simple designs I made for possible holiday card ideas. Be merry!
Here's what I've been working on!

Roller girl I did this morning! Trying to work on my shading...

Snowball fight tutorial inspired by the infamous snowball fight on the U O campus! (I was there!!!)

A sketch I wanted to develop digitally. The black and white turned out way better than the color. 

Bear person? I made a series of girls wearing animal cloaks, but never got around to coloring them because I am so easily distracted when I sketch anything new. 

This is really old. I was playing with brushes and colors... which is why it looks so bad.... Sorry!

I hope everyone enjoys their holiday celebration break whatever! And please check out my tumblr where I post my sketches and other experiments. I'm trying to learn how to color digitally, so it's fun to see all my experiments with that! Promise! Here it is:

Happy Holidays!


Monday, December 9, 2013

Some really cool stuff! And a tumblr!

I haven't been posting a lot... I have been super busy as my final is TOMORROW!
And then I get to spend ALL BREAK singing and dancing and drawing and being merry [Mary].

Anyway, I got a tumblr! So follow me here:
I post a lot of my doodles and sketches there!

I just finished something last night-- the first digital piece that I am actually proud of!

I am gonna make it the banner for the site (soon maybe?)

I just finished this about two minutes ago:

I heard South was doing Othello, but apparently it got cancelled. Still gonna make a mock poster for it! This is Desdemona. I will reveal the rest of the poster as I finish it! YAY!!


Happy Holidays!

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Experiments. As always.

My trial version of Photoshop finally ran out. For some reason, it lasted twice the length it should have... well, beggars can't be choosers.

Joe had been nagging me to get Pixelmator for a really long time, but I felt so overwhelmed that I refused and used GIMP (which is super glitchy but really simple.) So today, I finally got Pixelmator (as a trial) and it works AWESOME.

It's like the little brother of Photoshop with is not intimidating at all but has awesome features and runs really smoothly. Highly recommended. But, this is my first creation with Pixelmator! I am really impressed by it. Woo!