Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Lots of drawing!

Recently, I haven't had a lot of commission stuff to do. (Good or bad? I have no idea.)

And although I should be studying for my midterm tomorrow and writing my first draft of my Lit essay, I made some pretty cool art. I think. And I documented the process! Which I felt really cool about. Like maybe people care? Eh.

Here's the first thing I made, inspired by a instagram post by freepeople:

 Then I did more Miyazaki stuff because it's adorable and I refuse to believe that I'm the only one on my floor who loves the movies.

Kiki and Ursula from Kiki's Delivery Service

Shizuku from Whisper of the Heart

And here are the finals!

I just like to pretend that someday I will work for Ghibli bringing the storyboard artists coffee.
(This is really cute video of them making ramen for eachother)

And here is the last thing. It's me!

Well, it's the self portrait I did of myself at midnight when I decided that studying was over

Well... I should probably get back to studying for my midterm. Or catching up on TV shows...

Monday, October 28, 2013

Pumpkins in the hallways

Halloween is SO SOON!

My hall seemed to come to an unsaid conclusion that carving pumpkins would stink up the place (at least, I came to that conclusion in my head) and so we all decided to paint pumpkins! There's a few in the hall, at least.

I took mine home and painted it with my acrylics!
Here's the front...

I was really proud of my landscape drawing abilities. Especially the trees and the clouds, but they aren't even a fraction as beautiful as the backgrounds in the films... Sigh...

And the best character. Period. 

Anyway, here it is! There's one problem though.


Maybe half the people on my floor haven't heard of Miyazaki films and don't even recognize the names of even the most popular ones! It's a disgrace. I just... I can't.

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

October 22

Two blog posts in a row now... or is it three? Who knows, I guess. I don't.

But I put together a couple things! One is for HALLOWEEN which is coming up VERY SOON. Which means that I am very excited. I will definitely post my halloween costume on here even though it's not exactly illustration...


But also this:

I made this for my grandmother. 
She loves the beach and paintings of people on the beach.

Monday, October 21, 2013

October 21

Hi blog followers (if you exist!)
I spent all weekend inside except for maybe a few good hours. The weather was really nice, but having the cartoon addiction that I do, I spent every second either drawing, trying to use photoshop (the struggle is real) or watching the entire "The Bravest Warriors" series. It's by Pendleton Ward and it's really good! And also it only has like 10 five-minute episodes so it isn't a huge time investment. 

So... I guess we can see if my weekend spent in my cave of a dorm room was worth it. Here's some cool stuff I've been working on!

this is Pearl from the Crystal Gems!! (that cool new show coming Nov. 4th!)
She's one of the better characters, I think. I definitely kinda based one of my new characters off of her!

Then these guys  ☟

And I know, I totally stole the coral reef background and it is kinda lame but I really wanted something to go there.

I am just not too great at computer coloring right now. But it is really fun! So excuse everything that gets posted on here that looks super cheesy. 

Speaking of super cheesy, has anyone else tried the twice baked potatoes downstairs in Global Scholars? They're really good. It's like French Fries in mashed potato form and I love potatoes so much potatoes. 

My favorite batman scene ever.

Also... I dug up this guy from a couple weeks ago... So enjoy your Monday night.

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Super Heroes!

For some reason, I have really been into super heroes for the past few days. Maybe it's because I am preparing my halloween costume?

Nothing is more inspiring than slipping on a pair of oversized super hero gloves...

But I came up with my own superhero:
There is a small chance she could end up being a super VILLIAN but I haven't decided yet. I drew something really sick with her and a few other rad lady heroes, which will be up in a few days if not by tomorrow. 

Let's just say that I am VERY excited about these characters and perhaps it will be possible that more than just doodles may come from them!

On the other hand, maybe it is because I am very excited for the release of Rebecca Sugar's STEVEN UNIVERSE which comes out in November. It also features a rad group of lady heroes. See more about it HERE.

So here is a drawing I did of my favorite character from the show, Crystal Gem "Garnet". She's so B.A. I can't even handle it.


Anyway, please take some time to enjoy these kickin' ladies. Because they save the world and look killer doing it. 

Sunday, October 13, 2013

What I really do...

Here is maybe a little clarification on what I do for commissioned art.

I just finished a bunch of children doing yoga! And then also people saying "hello" in a bunch of languages! I do cool things....

But sadly this is my life and mine and Katie's room is constantly covered in a million little drawings that never have anything to do with anything. Can you guess what all the little children are doing yoga for?

Moral to the story: if you come into our room and it looks like a children's book/comic book store exploded, don't be surprised. That's just how it is. 

Saturday, October 12, 2013

Check it out! I can sell things now!

This is very exciting... for whoever may be reading this... or is reading this far into the future after I have posted it... I am now SELLING THINGS!

(I have been working on this site all day. So it's getting to the point where this is very exciting.)
This is what I look like when I've been working on my computer and
 wearing the same sweatshirt for 3 days straight because I never leave my desk.

You can purchase prints of my art under the "For Sale" tab. (I should really come up with something more clever than that.)

However, you can now support me by purchasing some of my artwork! Which is awesome for two very good reasons. Here they are:

1. You get some rad artwork.
2. I am then able to make MORE ART!

Unless maybe you purchase my art to burn it to make some kind of statement against colorful cartoons, that's kind of okay too! I am still then able to make more art.

Anyway, I will be posting more things soon. Beginning with my most appreciated art... Then more stuff!

Wow! A blog!

So it looks like I am starting  a blog now! Which will really serve to be a website where I can work commission, and for bigger projects. So for everyone who has really supported me in finally getting my sea legs, Thank you!!

So here is what I am hoping for this website:
I want to be able to display my artwork in a gallery, and keep people updated on recent art I have been doing! Also, I want to be able to use this website to sell my art and promote my commissioned work, because let's face it: fiverr is really not the best website for me to be doing that kind of thing.

So, here's to the next HUGE leap in my art "career"!
